Parent Council
The Aboyne Primary School Parent Council was established in accordance with the Scottish Schools 2006 Parental Involvement Act. The Act recognises that in order for children to realise their full potential, schools should welcome the views of the parent forum (all parents and carers in the school) and encourage parental involvement.
Our constitution outlines the main principles by which the Parent Council operates:
Aboyne Primary School Parent Council Constitution 2017
We communicate with parents via school issued e-mails, meetings, the notice board, class rep emails and most commonly via our Facebook page, Aboyne Primary School Parent Council. Please join us there!
Practically, the Parent Council creates opportunities and encourages parents to get involved in school life and supports the school through the work of its sub-committees. There are currently three; Fundraising, Curriculum for Excellence and Class Representatives.
Our key initiatives for the 2017/18 school year are:
- To commence the playground development project
- To support the educational experience of all pupils via funding school trips or visits from external professionals
- To support parental engagement and involvement (curriculum, internet safety, etc)
- To aid and improve effective communication between the school and home
All parents and carers are very welcome at our meetings with the school’s management team. Meetings happen every 6-8 weeks on average.
The current Parent Council role holders are Jenny Blair (Chair), Angela Fletcher (Secretary), Julie Reid (Treasurer), Becki Redmond (Fundraising Co-ordinator), Lucy Wisely (Class Reps Co-ordinator) and Fiona Walmsley (Teacher Representative). If you have any questions, initiatives or ideas you can contact us at:
Minutes from Parent Council Meetings – Session 17/18
Parent Council minute 13032018
Parent Council minute 23012018
Parent Council minute 07112017
Parent Council minute 12092017
Parent Council Newsletters 2018
Parent Council newsletter May 2018